Tuesday, May 29, 2007

May 28 – My first Hash!

No, this isn’t a blog about a new drug habit but my first experience with the Freetown Hash Harriers. We found out about the Hash from Kate and managed to hook up a ride with another Dubliner, Michelle. http://hhh.lumleybeach.com/index.html

The run was interesting. The group follows a ‘hare’ or in this case many ‘hares’ who set out a trail through the streets by marking with shreds of paper or ‘hash’. The trail went all through a neighbourhood as kids and adults shouted ‘keep it up’ and ‘go girls go’. We were in the middle of the pack so there wasn’t much ‘hunting’ to be done but more ‘following’. Today was a short run and I was certainly glad. I am still getting used to the heat here and haven’t sweated that much in ages.

After the run Conor and I were inducted into the Harriers and had a beer with the group. All in all a great event and I think it will be a Monday night tradition. The location changes every week so it will also be a great way to see the city.

After our run Conor and I headed down the beach to find food and ate barracuda on the beach with kittens and nearly a hundred crabs at our feet. Another great ending to a great day. Tomorrow is movie night so we’ll just have to see what that has in store!


Huddles said...

That's crazy! So it's just a random run in a pack of people, with a course that is set ad hoc? Sounds like fun! I can't imagine doing it in all that heat, though. You're tough. That website is funny, too. I particularly like the feet labeled 'on-on' that crash into each other and become beers. :) (See 'history' page)

Tina Traini said...

Ya it was a blast. We went last night too and were 30 mins late. They 'shamed' us. There is a whole ceremony after which is a bit whacked. If you find hashers anywhere you are (there have to be some in Boston) I would say join them!