Wednesday, August 1, 2007

August 2 - Living and Eating

Hello again!

Just wanted to post a few more pictures of 'life in Nairobi'. It's sunny today so I may go for a little walk at lunch and take a few more snaps. Still need to get a photo of the Plan sign for my collection to.

Here's some snaps of my room. It's pretty big and fancy compared to Freetown but there is a significant lack of turkeys, deer and lizards!
And lunch yesterday. They have some local girls come in with food. I just went to the kitchen (the land of deliscious coffee and is the tea here ever good!) and smiled and wham...amazing food in my hand. Don't ask me what it is...greens, stewed bananas (which I actually liked!) herbed rice and some sort of meat...yum!

Oh one more note. My new favourite differentiator between Freetown and Nairobi has to do with scaffolding...Sierra Leone used long poles of wood for scaffold on new buildings and here they have normal metal scaffold. I know sort of a silly observation but I think it shows the difference in development very simply.

p.s. If one more person comes close to ruining the new Harry Potter book for me I will SNAP! I am waiting to buy a copy in India (too much work now to be distracted and let's face indian copy will be cool!) so DON'T TELL! I did see the last movie however which was fabulous!


Phillip Weicker said...

Bananas or plantains?

Anonymous said...

Bananas...I asked...