Wednesday, April 11, 2007

ADP Prep and visit home

Greetings all.
Well only 5 days to go and I think I am getting closer to being ready. Currently on an MSN meeting with people all over the world for my project while sitting in my parent's kitchen. It all seems kind of strange but I have a feeling this will be 'normal' compared to my adventures in the next 9 months.

I have had all my shots (13 to be exact) and taken a test round of Malaria pills which didn't make me any crazier than usual. Finished up my work on STSI and said goodbye too all those folks. Had a few 'Tina Traini International Send-Off' Parties (thanks ladies!) and emptied my apartment to add to the excitement. Now all I have to do is pack and enjoy my last weekend in Canada for 9 months. Crazy but true.

Next post will include my temporary timeline and details on my five weeks in Woking. Just need to get back on my own laptop with the wireless working to do that.

later skaters...

1 comment:

Jac said...

I don't know what ADP is... and I'm an engineer, I need to understand... ;)

Hope all is well.